Friday, August 29, 2008

no news is good news....right?

okay so it's been awhile....things are smooth sailing around here. we are in the process of getting paperwork together so we can buy a house. now the mention of a new car has come up as well. not sure what to do. we are second guessing ourselves on the house thing, but the car thing has to be done. oh yeah, and happy 5 year anniversary to my husband. it's amazing at what kind of life you can live in 5 years together.

the kiddos are growing fast. reagan just turned 4 about a week and a half ago. she started school about 2 weeks ago. so far she is loving it. i had my first "mom moment" today. i forgot her at school. her teacher called me about 25 minutes after school was out and wanted to know if i was running late. oh my gosh. what a feeling. i wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. i cried.

jace is almost 1. he has no interst in walking. why walk when you can crawl really fast or someone carries you all the time. he is saying a few words though. he likes to say bye-bye a lot. he if you tell him that you love him then he will tell you bye bye. i guess he's picking up brent's morning routine. very cute.

jace had eye surgery last tuesday. we did the same thing with reagan 2 different times and things went well with both kids. hopefully the problem is corrected and there won't be any more. i don't like the feeling of letting my babies go behind those closed doors without me.

brent is working like crazy. not only is he working his full time day job, but he has signed on for a few side jobs of his own. he is doing great at what he does. he passed his journeyman test finally and so he's "official" YAY!!

i'm doing good. working at the salon 5 days a week sure keeps a girl busy. i'm loving it and staying very busy. a full book is nice.

hope all is going well with everyone. have a safe and happy labor day weekend.