Got new news about Miss Andi Marie this morning. Things are looking up for sweet baby girl. Surgery went well and she is on the road to recovery. Thank you God.
As Brent and I were discussing this we become very aware of the blessings God has given us over the past few years. We started out with a rough first year of marriage. In 2004 we bought a house, had a horrible pregnancy, premature baby girl, sold the house, piles and piles of bills that we couldn't pay. Not something we ever anticipated going through. But our prayers were answered. God is good.
Then, in 2007, Brent's mom was diagnosed with cancer. It was a touch and go couple of months. But yet again, our prayers were answered. God is good.
In 2007 we were also blessed with baby #2. He is an absolute blessing. God is good.
In 2007 we moved to a different city to "start over". I think deep down we both hated it here. Things were not what we were promised and it was beginning to be a long look down a dark tunnel. Our prayers were again answered. God is good.
Now, here we are, 2009. God is amazing!! Things have fallen into place. Not by our doing, but by His. We are undoubtedly blessed.
Take a look around you. Thank God for what you have. He is the reason you are who you are. He is the reason you are where you are.
I wish everyone a blessed Easter. God is good!